Three Sisters 2015

Three Sisters 2015

About the Artist:  Michael Van Vooren

Born December 19th, 1949, in Mishawaka, Indiana.

Van Vooren earned a BA in English Literature with a minor in Philosophy from John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio in 1972.

Upon graduation he immediately began an intensive and ongoing self-instruction in visual art and art history. He moved to Bloomington, Indiana, in 1974 where he was a founding member of the Artist’s Co-op of 25 community artists, graduate students and instructors at Indiana University.

Van Vooren has produced visual art in many media including drawing, pastel, oil, acrylic, digital photography, and limestone. His work is represented in collections world-wide.

While continuing to create art and torturing his neighbors with saxophone, guitar, drums, and vocal violations, Van Vooren has at long last begun work on his first book:

"My Memoir"  a novel. 
